Annual report

Annual Report 2021

16 June 2022 - 10 minutes read
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FincoEnergies annual report 2021 for download.

We proudly present our Annual Report 2021. First, we look back on the previous year. A period that was, once again, defined by the COVID-19 pandemic, but in which we also managed to reduce a record amount of CO2 emissions.

But, our book is more than just a retrospect. The world of fuels is constantly changing, and the next few years will be marked by a real revolution. And because FinCo is an organisation that likes to lead, we have asked our experts from the entire FinCo Fuel Group and beyond to talk about the latest developments on decarbonisation within our business. About the challenges and victories. Together, they cover the wide range of energy solutions that FinCo wants to offer and how we want to support our customers in their sustainability journey in the best possible way.

We hope you enjoy reading.


Annual Report 2021


“This book is more than just a retrospect. It shows how far FinCo has come and that the future on acting 100% green has already begun today.”

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